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Your Support Changes Lives

Last year, more than 300 animals found new lives through Awwdoptable. Many came from overcrowded shelters, where their illness or age meant little hope for adoption. Dozens of tiny pets were carefully delivered to us by concerned friends. We found two dogs abandoned, tied to street signs. And our volunteers picked up more than a few injured, starving wanderers off the streets.

Thanks to you, we were able to help them. Your donations made it possible for Awwdoptable to pay for veterinary care, transport pets to fosters across North Texas, and buy food, medicine, and supplies.

Pets from shelters and streets found loving homes they deserved - but never expected. 

* Emaciated and injured, black-and-white Spuds was on the euthanasia list at a local shelter.

At his foster home, he soon felt safe and well enough to show his true colors as the smartest, friendliest boy ever. Now big Spuds shares

snuggles with a baby brother in his forever home.

* Fajita was found in the dumpster of a Mexican restaurant on the hottest day of summer. The tiny kitten was barely alive, but a wonderful vet agreed to give her a chance. It was touch-and-go for weeks, until Fajita finally was eating on her own. Now she has lots of appetite in her forever home.

* We discovered baby Athena struggling to walk down an alley. We think the malnourished two-month-old pup may have been thrown from a car, because her skin was badly scraped and burned, and her hip was broken. Your gifts allowed Awwdoptable to handle this unexpected emergency so Athena could walk, months later, right into her forever home.

Bless your generous heart. With your continued support, we'll keep changing lives. Thank you.






Join Awwdoptable's


to support us through spring kitten and puppy season.

Your monthly donation will strengthen our ability to save the littlest lives.

$15/mo. can buy nursing kits and formula

$29/mo. can pay for medications

$60/mo. can underwrite vaccinations and emergency surgery

Your gift of any size makes a BIG difference!

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