Volunteer to Help Pets in Need
FOSTER We rely on a network of incredible caregivers to temporarily house the cats and dogs we rescue. You can choose to do a little or a lot. Most pets just need a place to stay to recuperate from spay/neuter surgery or minor illness, and after a few weeks of rest, good food, and snuggles, they're off to be adopted. A nursing mama dog or cat just needs a quiet corner of your home, and she'll take care of the rest for her babies. Super easy -- and it saves their little lives when shelters are full.
Very young kittens and pets rescued from the streets require hands-on fosters to provide medicine, bottle feeding, and loving socialization until they are ready for forever homes. If you have a heart for this more challenging work, we will train and mentor you.
AWWDOPTION SUPPORT We're fortunate to have a cat adoption space hosted by PetSmart in Richardson. You can sign up for a weekly or monthly shift to help Awwdoptable kitties at PetSmart stay clean, fed, and entertained. Awwdoption Support volunteers also assist with adoption events, photography, and record-keeping. This is a fun and rewarding volunteer opportunity for parent-kid teams, a group of friends, or empty nesters.
TRANSPORT SUPPORT Volunteers drive their own vehicles to transport crated pets to and from foster homes, PetSmart, veterinarians, and local shelters. You can sign up to be available as your schedule permits.